Martez lives with his mom, Alanya, her partner, Alex, his three-year-old sister, Amiylah, and their kitten, Sunflower. Martez is outgoing, loves electronics, and being outside. He has ADHD and ADD, he also has a stutter. His mom has a huge heart and is really needing some help. Martez likes biking, board games, music, and disc golf is a new favorite. He lives near MATC on the east side.
Mom feels that being home has become a trigger for Martez. She works full time and cannot always immediately say yes to the things Martez wants to do. Mom is interested in respite so that Martez can have someone to spend time with to do positive activities and so she has time to do things like laundry and meal preparation. An ideal schedule includes: Monday - 1:30 pm - 7 pm Tuesday -friday 3:00 -7 pm Every other Saturday: 9 am - 1 pm Every Sunday 9 - 1 pm
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