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McFarland, WI

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Savannah is a typical child in most ways but with a unique anatomy. At birth, her esophagus was not fully connected to her stomach and needed to be corrected through surgery. She has difficulty swallowing food and receives the majority of nutrition by g-tube. She also urinates more frequently and in a larger volume than a typical toddler due to a kidney condition. Her speech and motor skills are low-average and may be considered delayed in the future, but she is fully mobile and can communicate her wants and needs. This form was completed by Savannah's case manager.

How You Can Help

Ideally the provider would have prior experience providing g-tube feedings or be willing to learn. Savannah has a twin sister that does not have a disability. They would prefer a provider that would be willing to watch her sister as well during respite too. Flexible schedule 9-12 hours per week.

I'm interested in working with Savannah !

Hours Needing Respite

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